Boost your immune system with routine food

We all take our routine food usually three times every day in order to satisfy our hunger.
Do you know food not only satisfies our hunger but it also plays vital role in developing positive or negative energy, which inturn is very useful in boosting our body's god gifted immune system.
So lot of care has to be taken while deciding daily food routine ie:- what to eat,how to eat and when to eat.
Let us discuss about daily ideal food habits:-
1)what to eat:-
-you should have 100% pure vegetarian food.
-lets not go into details of individual dishes but you can have any variety of vegetarian stuff, of your choice available locally.
-home cooked food is highly recommended and preferable.
-food should be properly cooked, visibly appealing,with mouth watering aroma, finally it should be good to taste.
-when we take food in our plate, first we see it with our eyes-so it should look good,then we smell it-so it should be with mouth watering aroma,then we move ahead to eat- so it should be good to taste.
2)how to eat:-
-As per ideal food habits one should have heavy breakfast,medium lunch and light dinner.
-when fresh food is cooked it's purification plays important role in generating positive or negative energies inside our bodies which inturn helps to energize our immune system.
-so how to purify cooked food:
Let me share simple self tested method, which a common man like you and me can adopt as daily routine food habit-
-when whole food is freshly cooked then just before giving final touch, you take three small portions (qty of your choice)-one in the name of god/almighty/satchitanand,second portion in the name of cow(as resemblance of live goddess),third portion for birds and other smaller creatures(as resemblance of almighty present in all small creatures).
-now place first portion in your worship place in your home for some time with faith and feeling that it is offered to god,then mix it with your whole ready to eat food, thats it.
-second portion you can go and offer to cow personally, nearby to your home.
-third portion you can keep at open space suitable for birds and small creatures to eat.
-But be careful in no case all these portion should be kept in general pathway and letting it get ruined as waste.
-once this is done, spiritual purification of your cooked food is complete and now food is ready to eat with capacity to generate positive energy in you and your family or any one else who eat it.
Important-please do not ask me any justification because there is no scientific justification for this proceedure but it is trully a matter of faith,moreover it is my own selftested experience.
So, no ifs and buts, simply adopt it in your daily routine for the Boost your immune system with sound sleepbenefit of yourself and your family.
-now you have spiritually purified ready to eat food,from which you take your  portion in one plate and sit in a comfortable posture ie: on table chare or on Matt spread on floor, standing posture is not advisable.
-now you sit calmly with your plate in front of you, concentrate and take first bite, bring near to your mouth and think of god for your good health and whisper maha Mantra "OM NAMAH SHIVAYE", in multiple of three times and whiff on that very first bite,then mix the same to rest of the food in your plate, that's it, now you are ready to eat food.
-at the end of the day after cooking of dinner is completed, in the last takeout a fresh portion of food and keep it aside(for dogs) and after you had dinner, you can keep this portion at any convenient place outside your home.
-you may be thinking this simple eating process,has been made a complicated project with so many binding parameters,but friends, definitely eating food is equivalent to worship which inturn will generate positive energy in your body and hence will be helpful to energize your godgifted immune system positively.
This is the simplest way of worship while carrying out your daily routine, which I had been following from last 10years and by grace of God I had not taken any medication since then.

3) When to eat:-
-you can have food three times a day ie: breakfast, lunch and dinner.
-breakfast before 9am,lunch before 3pm,and dinner before 9pm. Normally 6hours gap is preferable between every meals.
-avoid eating every now and then between the meals.
-avoid bed tea, inbetween tea,and evening tea.
-try practicing eating meals at  fixed timings in daily routine.
-avoid having dinner if you are getting late(beyond 2.30hrs max from sunset timmings) due to some unavoidable circumstances or you can have super-light/easy to digest meals.
Reason for this,is more your dinner timmings are away from sunset timing, more weaker is your digesting capacity.
-avoid late-night meals or midnight meals.

Hope you all shall be benefited from my experience.

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Please do also read my other pages:
1)boost your immune system
2)boost your immune system with fasting
3)boost your immune system with meditation.
4)Boost your immune system with OM
5)Worship after meditation
6)Characteristics of energies existing in our bodies
7)Earning spiritual experiences thru meditation
8)Boost your immune system with vastu
9)Earn rich experiences with right chanting of mantras
10)Boost your immune system with sound sleep
Thanks for sparing your valuable time to read my experiences.

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